
The Game

The Game

By Katarina Ziervogel

Human trafficking is an underground, illegal industry that runs right under our nose in Canada. Often, teen girls and young women fall victim to human trafficking and unfortunately, it is far more common than you think. “Pimp boyfriends” is a tactic where a good-looking man seeks out vulnerable, naïve girls and lures them in with false promises of true love, a house, and a good future.

The “pimp boyfriends” tactic has pulled many victims into human trafficking. Some have survived in and out of the industry and have lived to tell the tale, which is further evidence to the police that there is a problem in the country that needs to be investigated and as a warning to all other young girls and women of the dangers that lay out there.

For more information about the stages of human trafficking, please visit:

Stages of Trafficking: How It Happens