Taken But Not Forgotten

Since 2007, researcher Maryanne Pearce has been compiling a database of missing and murdered women and girls in Canada. Dr. Pearce is now working with Taken to make this information accessible to the public as a resource to better understand the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. Each one of these women and girls is loved, and missed. We are committed to honouring their memory, and remembering each of them. Details about them, and their cases, are being added to the site on a continuous basis.

If you want to honour one of the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, an e-ceremony is available, otherwise known as an e-smudge. Various cultures around the world have used smudging for centuries. Smudging is the act of burning herbs, grasses, or resin to cleanse negative energy, to purify, and to bless. E-smudging for the women and girls is intended to show honour and respect for their memory.

View the Memorial


2007 oci, éwako awa Maryanne Pearce ká natonikét ékoni oko oci ká wanihicik ékwa ká nisiwanacihicik ininiwiskwéwak ékwa iskwésisak ota Kanata. Dr. Pearce ékwa witatoskéméw oko KÁKI OTINÍCIK ká osítácik kakinaw awíyak kita kí wápátak oko ékwa nisitótamowin kita ayáyák ékoni oko oci ká wanihicik ékwa ká nisiwanácihicik ininiwiskwéwak ékwa iskwésisak. Pá péyakonók oko iskwéwak ékwa iskwésisak sakihawak ékwa kwitawénimáwak. Éwako oma soki wéci atoskácikáték é-kiskisitotácik kakinaw. Ati astániwanwa oko é-acimícik ékonik oko oci kákí ispanikocik.

Kíspin kiwí kiskisitotawáwak oko ká wanihicik ékwa ká nisiwanácihicik ininiwiskwéwak ékwa iskwésisak, takwan oma ékosi kita tócikáték. Misiwé anis oma apatan ká anápátéhosot awiyak ká ayamiyat ota misiwéskamik. Ká anápátéhosot awiyak ká ayamiyat anis oma pápákan towa maskosíya apatanwa oma ká tócikaték, mino ayáwin kita kikiskákoyan. Éwako oma oci oko iskwéwak ékwa iskwésisak é-wápátinóskaniwak ékosi é-isi kiskisitotácik.






